AnnouncementRequest Form Announcement Request FormPlease fill out the information below. Person Requesting Announcement * First Name Last Name Contact * 1. Ministry Area Ministry Area * General Announcement Freehold Kids Freehold Preteens Novation Youth Young Adults Life Groups 55+ Senior Ministry King's Table Special Needs Ministry Men's Ministry Women's Ministry Worship Team Media Team Missions Other 2. Event / Subject Name of Event * Who is the event for / target audience? * Where is it taking place? * What date is it taking place? * What time is it taking place? * What is the purpose of the event? * Name of person overseeing event: * Phone / contact of person overseeing event: 3. Details to be included: Other submission details * Are you looking for volunteers? How much does it cost? When is money due by? What do you want to be said about the announcement? How does someone sign up for this event? * Thank you!