King’s Table



Serving the Special Needs Community and their families with God’s love, through community events and respite.

King's Table Special Needs Ministry

King's Table is the special needs ministry at First Assembly of God. Our name comes from the Bible:

“And Mephibosheth, who was crippled in both feet, lived in Jerusalem and ate regularly at the king’s table.”
2 Samuel 9:13

We believe that we are all invited to King Jesus' table, no matter what we're facing. And no, you don't have to attend our church in order to be part of King's Table events. We'd love to see you and your family come!

King’s Table Kids is for ages 2-18, while King’s Table Adults is for ages 18+.

On April 12, 2025, Kings Table Adults is hosting an Arts + Crafts Pizza Party
at the church from 6-8p in the Youth Room of Building B.
Use the link below to sign up!

Sunday Viewing Room

Our main worship sanctuary offers a Viewing Room that is available for families with infants, or for those that may have special needs. This room is reserved exclusively for parents with infants or families with special needs to enjoy the Sunday service in a more private and quiet environment.

Looking to Volunteer?

We'd love to get you plugged in to helping with King's Table!

Meet our Directors


Phil & Joan Calise
King’s Table Kids


Dave & Vicky Mahler
King’s Table Adults

Stay in Touch

Stay in the know with what’s going on with King’s Table Special Needs Ministry.