01/24 - Life Group Sunday | Better Together

01/24/21 | No matter who you are, we all know that being with someone different than us can sometimes be difficult; said another way, we’re tempted to be tribal. However, Jesus wants us to grow beyond our tribes; he prayed for this kind of unity in his church (John 17:20-21).

Reading from Ephesians 2:11-22, Pastor Matt reminds us that the goal isn’t to become like each other; it’s to become like Jesus. Peace & unity aren’t found in uniformity, but are the product of Christ’s constant transformation. And in a Life Group, not only is my life is transformed, but someone else’s life is transformed as well.

Sign up for a Life Group at freeholdag.com/lifegroups!


01/31 - Rekindling Our Hearts | Week 1


01/17 - Wisdom from Proverbs | Week 3