10/11 - Out of the Shallows | Week 2

10/11/2020 | How do we take our relationship with God from the shallows into a deeper place? In Week 2, Pastor Jeff challenges us from Hebrews 5:11-14, where the writer talks about what Pastor Jeff refers to as "symptoms of spiritual infancy":

1) Slow to learn / dull to hear (v. 11)

2) Ought to be teachers instead of being taught (v. 12)

3) Milk over meat (v. 12)

4) Unskilled in the Word (v. 13)

Pastor Jeff warns against being in a place where nothing that is said impacts our lives. Learning is good, but there is nothing more exciting than sharing your faith with someone who needs to know about Jesus.


10/18 - Out of the Shallows | Week 3


10/04 - Out of the Shallows | Week 1