01/10 - Wisdom from Proverbs | Week 2

01/10/21 | How can we make the most of 2021 without knowing entirely what the future holds? Thankfully, we can find timeless wisdom in God’s Word that will always be true no matter what may be coming next. Pastor Jeff pulls 10 principles from Proverbs chapter 3, and this week talks about principles #4 - #7:

4) Honor the Lord with Your Wealth (v. 9-10)

5) Do Not Despise the Lord's Discipline (v. 11-12)

6) Find Wisdom & Preserve It (v. 13-24)

7) Have No Fear (v. 25-26)


01/17 - Wisdom from Proverbs | Week 3


01/03 - Wisdom from Proverbs | Week 1