Stable Relationships
Stable Relationships:
Not Likely to change or fail; firmly established.
Beyond the quaint setting of a stable where Jesus was born, this sermon series explores the foundational principles of stable connections—with God and with one another. Through the lives of key Christmas characters, we'll discover how the stories of Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, and others illuminate the path to stable relationships, offering timeless insights for our lives today and deepening our understanding of God's love.
Week 1: Elizabeth
12/03/23 | In Week 1, Pastor Jeff highlights the story of Elizabeth, and how her relationship with God and with her husband is a stable example for us today. God can always re-enlist us no matter our situation. We are stable to bless others, and to see the working of the Holy Spirit.
Week 2: Mary
12/10/23 | In Week 2, Pastor Jeff looks at Mary’s story and her response to the angel’s message. Mary was “highly favored” and “chosen by God,” and how her stable characteristics of passion and purpose are examples for us to follow as God wants to work in our lives.
Week 3: Joseph
12/17/23 | In Week 3, Pastor Matt looks at the life of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. Reminding us that the Bible works like a mirror, we learn that Joseph’s life of action is meant to be reflected in our own lives, no matter what age or life circumstance we find ourselves in.
Week 4: Jesus
12/24/23 | Pastor Jeff talks about how the names of the Messiah in Isaiah 9:6 describe the character qualities of Jesus, and inform our relationship to God. He is our Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.
Week 5: Abraham
12/31/23 | How can we pass on faith to our families, friends, and loved ones? More than any material thing we can leave behind, the legacy of faith in Jesus is the greatest thing we can pass on. Looking at the life of Abraham, we see that authenticity, intentionality, and praying scripture are key principles to help our loved ones own their faith in God.