With Room Series

Living Life “With Room”

When you overfill your coffee cup the result is a sticky mess, or a nasty burn, yet we often live our lives this way! In this 4-week series, we look to the Scripture for God’s design on how to live life with room.  That could be having money left over at the end of the month, a night of the week when there’s nothing going on, or it could even be the distance between you and temptation.

Week 1: Filled to the Brim

09/03/23 | In Week 1, Pastor Jeff looks at the story of Jesus’ time with Mary and Martha from Luke 10. Both women faced the same opportunity, yet had different experiences based on their sense of what was most important. Although being busy is the world’s pattern, it is not God’s. While Martha’s duty was important, Jesus said that what Mary had discovered was better. Similarly, we need to make room in our walk with God, leaving room for what really matters.

1) Duty is a good thing

2) Devotion is also a good thing

3) Duty perceives devotion as the shirking of duty

4) Devotion is perceived by Jesus as a precious discovery

Week 2: Slow Roasted

09/10/23 | In Week 2, Pastor Matt shares on how to live with “margin” or “room” in our schedules. Reading from Ephesians 5:15-17, we are challenged not to “live like fools” by following the world’s pattern of busyness, but to “live like those who are wise.” Wise people ask for room. Wise people live:

1) God’s will > My will

2) Should do > Can do

3) Great > Good

The practical application question we are left with in light of the scriptures is to simply ask, “Is it wise?” Applying this to every area of our lives will allow us to live with purpose, intention, and ROOM, rather than allowing life to overfill our cups for us.


Week 3: Extra Hot

09/17/23 | In Week 3, Pastor Jeff reads from James 1 about how we are to put “room” between us and temptation. We do not want the “hook” of the enemy to overtake us. How do I put room between me and temptation?

1) Be realistic

2) Accept responsibility

3) Be ready —

(Be ready) Step 1: Desire

(Be ready) Step 2: Deception

(Be ready) Step 3: Disobedience

(Be ready) Step 4: Death

4) Refocus

Week 4: Large in a Medium Cup

09/24/23 | In Week 4, Pastor Jeff surveys the scriptures on how we can live with room in our finances. Specifically, we trace the biblical principle of tithing throughout the Bible and what that means for us today. Knowing that God is the source of all our resources, we are stewards of God’s property, our most important investments are heavenly, and that we trust God to provide for all our needs, as Christians we have an attitude of gratitude, faithfulness, vision, and faith. Surveying scripture for the tithe, we see:

Abraham Commenced it (Genesis 14:20)

Jacob Continued it (Genesis 28:22)

Moses Commanded it (Leviticus 27:30)

Malachi Confirmed it (Malachi 3:10)

Jesus Commended it (Matthew 23:23)

God’s blessings don’t consume more room, they create more room!


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