What Would Jesus Undo?

WWJU: What Would Jesus “Undo”?

If Jesus was editing your life, What Would Jesus Undo? We tie ourselves in knots going through the motions to meet the world’s expectations. But we weren’t created for that. Whether you’re struggling to find a new start or looking for a place to grow, it’s time to get real about who you’re meant to be.

Week 1: Spiritual Indifference

04/16/23 | In Week 1, Pastor Jeff reads from Jesus’ words in Revelation 3 about believers who had become “lukewarm.” Unpacking the cultural context of these words, Pastor Jeff challenges us to evaluate ourselves. The two causes of spiritual indifference are:

1) Self-sufficiency (Rev. 3:17)

2) Distractions of this world (Mark 4:19)

Yet Jesus offers hope in Revelation 3:18, saying that we should “buy gold” from Him. Pastor Jeff encourages us away from spiritual indifference and towards a life of purpose with this challenge: “Every day, do something that requires faith.”

Week 2: Hollow Worship

04/23/23 | In Week 2, Pastor Bonnie challenges us to worship God not for what we get out of it, but because He is worthy. Worship is about expressing that God is worth more and more valuable than anything else to us. Reading from the words of Jesus in Matthew 15, Pastor Bonnie shows that Jesus would “undo”:

-Worship that makes us “feel good”

-Worship for the sake of worship

We are encouraged from the scriptures that true worship is an outward, inward, and eternal expression of the overflow of the Spirit inside us and the condition of our hearts changed by Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life! In short, worship is TO God, BY God, and FOR God!


Week 3: Hypocrisy

04/30/23 | In Week 3, Pastor Jeff & Pastor Matt tag team the message and talk about how Jesus would undo "hypocrisy.” Reading from Jesus’ words in Matthew 23, we see that Jesus’ harshest words in all of scripture were towards hypocrites. While we understand that no one is perfect, we see that there is a difference between sin and hypocrisy; hypocrisy is about the gap between what we show and who we are. In other words, hypocrisy is all about “the show.” Jesus was so critical of this because hypocrisy hurts people and fakes faithfulness.

Yet even though Jesus has harsh words, He also offers hope for the hypocrite! He has unlimited grace for a sinner in need of forgiveness.

1) Let Jesus wash the inside (Matt. 23:26)

2) Be honest with God (Proverbs 28:13)

3) Commit to Grow (Psalm 139:23-24)

Week 4: Spiritual Pride

05/07/23 | In Week 4, Pastor Jeff says this might be the hardest message of the series yet! Reading from Jesus’ famous parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18, Pastor Jeff shares how Jesus would undo “spiritual pride.” Jesus told this parable for those who elevated themselves above others because of their spiritual pride.

Unpacking Christ’s words, Pastor Jeff points out that the Proud Person has to be better than everyone else, thinks they are invincible to temptation & sin, and is full of themselves which leaves no room for God. Yet we see that when we Empty Ourselves:

1) We’re in the position to be filled by God’s grace.

2) We are in perfect position to be used by God.


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