01/15/23 | “Reflections” | Pastor Todd’s Last Sunday with First Assembly

01/15/23 | Thank you to Pastor Todd & Stephanie for over 23 years of faithful ministry here at First Assembly! We love you so much and are so excited for what God has in store for you in your next season of ministry.

On Pastor Todd’s last Sunday with us, he shares Reflections after 23 years at First Assembly. Reading from 1 Thessalonians 2:7-13, Pastor Todd echos the Apostle Paul’s heart for the Thessalonian Christians, pouring out his heart to them. This passage is so appropriate as it talks about:

1) Sharing Our Lives

2) My Thankfulness

3) My Charge

We know that you aren’t losing church family members, but instead simply gaining more as you step out and obey God’s calling.


01/22/23 | “Enlarge The Place of Your Tent”


01/08/23 | “The DNA of My Friend”