Day 1: Structure
One effective strategy to keep our minds focused is called the “ACTS” Prayer model. Each letter represents a different part of the prayer
Day 3: Confession
Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross, not so that we would hide them from God, but so that we could be cleansed from them.
Day 4: Thanksgiving
We can spend our prayer time listing all the things we think we still need from God, yet Psalm 23:1 reminds us that, really, we already have all that we need.
Day 5: Supplication
As we’ve come to God in worship, confession, and thanksgiving, let us make our requests known to God.
Day 6: Framework
The Lord’s Prayer is often recited mechanically & monotonously by Christians, yet Jesus intended this prayer to serve as a framework for how to commune with God.
Day 7: Worship
One aspect of worship throughout the Psalms is the use of nature to describe the attributes of God.
Day 8: Honesty
Confession is a window to greater depth with God. Without confession, we face the reality of sin’s curse on our lives.
Day 9: Gratitude
Maybe you, like a sheep, actually already have all that you need from your Good Shepherd.
Day 10: Praise
Following the example of David and the scriptures, when we feel at a loss for words, simply looking at the beauty around us in nature reminds us of the majesty of God.
Day 11: Stillness
In prayer, we often feel the need to fill the silence. If we perceive that no one is talking, we may feel that nothing is happening and we’re wasting time.
Day 12: Repentance
Confession is a humbling & significant practice for growth in our walk with God, but is only half the equation; the other half is repentance.
Day 13: Alignment
Often our prayers are like what C.S. Lewis calls “wide and shallow puddles,” covering a vast list of topics that cross our minds, but rarely going beyond requesting God to “just do something” about them.
Day 14: Life
Unfortunately, this is what so many think Christianity is primarily about; an insurance policy for when we die, so that we’ll end up in the Good Place instead of the Bad One.
Day 16: Embrace
There are times when we feel like calling it quits. We feel overwhelmed by the weight of our responsibility, our lack of ability, or our failures, and we’re tempted to go back to what’s familiar or easy.